Collection: Electric Heaters & Portable USB Fans


Electric radiators are energy efficient room heaters specifically designed to heat your home economically throughout the coldest months. Electric heaters are cheaper but not intended for regular daily use: they are less efficient than radiators and, in rare cases, can cause wall-blackening if used permanently.

The choice is always up to you, but we advise installing wall mounted electric heaters in rooms you use less frequently, for example, a guest bedroom or a conservatory. This way, you can save on the costs of putting a traditional or electric radiator in these rooms while ensuring you can still warm the place up quickly whenever you need to use it.


If you'd instead go for one of our free-standing electric heaters, you can either leave it in rooms you don't spend time in as much, or keep it in your living room for some extra electric heating during the chilly days to come, and move it around when needed.


Convection Space Heaters:

Convection space heaters work by heating the air in a given space. Most convection-type electric heaters use an electrical element to transfer heat to a fluid, typically oil, or a series of ceramic plates, which then radiate the heat into the air surrounding them.

Unlike combustion-style space heaters, which burn gas, oil, or kerosene to create heat, convection heaters don't emit any harmful fumes and are, therefore, safe to use indoors. Besides, the heat-transfer oil used in this type of space heater never needs to be replaced.

Convection-style ceramic space heaters may include a fan and oscillate to help circulate the heated air throughout a room. LAPTAB recommends a convection-type electric space heater in the following spaces:

  • Bedrooms (fan-forced convection heaters are recommended for bedrooms with children and pets as most are cool to the touch)
  • Offices
  • Living rooms or family areas
  • Basement areas

LAPTAB has brought the products which can make suitable for your placing preference of heaters like Fan heater Redmond FH-01, Silver Crest Heizlufter Max 2000W Heater, etc.

Infrared Space Heaters:

Infrared space heaters are so-called because they use infrared radiation (don’t worry; it’s perfectly safe) to heat objects and people directly within their line of sight, as opposed to heating the air around them.

Whereas most convection space heaters take time to warm up space, the main advantage of infrared heaters is that you can feel the heat immediately. In other words, whereas convection heaters are generally better at heating spaces over time, infrared heaters are usually better at heating locations within an area right away.

All infrared heaters create a visible, orange glow, which some people find appealing, but others may find distracting. LAPTAB recommend an infrared or parabolic electric space heater in the following locations:

  • Garages
  • Sheds
  • Offices and other workspaces
  • Basement areas
  • Bedrooms without children or pets (remember: never go to sleep while your heater is on!)

MINI Heaters and 900 W room Electric Flame Heater have an infrared system that can heat the room efficiently and quickly.

Apart from the products mentioned earlier, we have much more to offer.

Electric Heater's price in Pakistan is very reasonable at our platform. So, you can buy electric heaters online from here and enjoys superb quality as LAPTAB would never want you to compromise on products when you buy online.